Sunday, July 28, 2024


This reminds me of that news report back in 2008 during the presidential election.  Some dipshit TV reporter had been sent by his producer on a Cletus Hunt looking for The Average Rural White American Voter and to get his or her take on the campaign between Senator Obama and John McCain.

The TV crew was in some godawful redneck place like Indiana and they knocked on the door of some good, salt of the earth type -- you know the sort of house....huge dish antenna mounted in the back yard, white painted truck tires in the front planted with wax begonias in imitation of the same sort of floral display to be found down the road at the Citgo station, refrigerator and broken Laz-E-Boy recliner on the porch......

Anyways, the dipshit TV reporter is doing a live feed and goes to the front door and knocks and Mrs. Elderly White Redneck appears wearing hair curlers and a polyester house robe.  The dipshit reporter introduces himself and asks who they intend to vote for in the election.....  

Yelling is heard from off camera from the back of the house:

Husband: Who's that at the door, Lurleen?

Lurleen:  It's a TV reporter, Jasper.

Jasper:  A TV reporter?  What the hell does he want?

Lurleen:  He wants to know who we're fixin' on votin' for in the election.

Jasper:  Tell him we're votin' for the nigger!

It really doesn't get much more American than that.

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