Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Unbelievable! The federal judge in the Louisville Metro PD murder of Breonna Taylor has decided it was her boyfriend's fault that she got killed because he opened fire on the cops.

Of course, that ignores the fact that the cops kicked in the door....THE WRONG DOOR....without announcing themselves and may actually have opened fire first. Which, given the level of abject incompetence and stupidity by the LMPD, I would not ever be so bold as to say "no way Jose!" And in case you've forgotten -- the LMPD cops involved did this after lying on the original no knock warrant application before they murdered Breonna.

But this is Kentucky and a Reagan appointed judge who's old and been sitting on his lifetime sinecure for what?.....36 years now, at least? So there's that.

I have a no trespassing no proselytizing sign in plain view on my front and back doors. At the bottom of the sign in larger font and in red it says ARMED RESPONSE BY HOMEOWNER.

It's been there ever since the LMPD murdered Breonna after lying on their warrant and then going to the wrong apartment. Let me write that again....THE COPS LIED ON THEIR WARRANT (A CRIME!) AND THEN WENT TO THE WRONG APARTMENT.

And then they lied on their post shooting sworn statements (also a crime!) to try to cover up their idiotic fuckery and criminality. And yet this judge blames Breonna's boyfriend for her death....a death that the sole cause of which was the criminality of the cops when they lied on the original warrant!

Po-lice or no po-lice....you kick in my front door without announcing yourself and you're gonna get a little Sig Sauer sumpthin' sumpthin' from me in response for your trouble.


Anonymous said...



Scotty said...

I'm hoping that an appeal will be filed!